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        What Is Paraphrasing Plagiarism and How to Avoid It

        • calenderNov 05, 2024
        • calender 7 min read

        Paraphrasing can be difficult— it’s easy to unintentionally copy someone else’s work. This guide will explain what paraphrasing plagiarism is and how to avoid it by correctly paraphrasing. To help you, we’ve given 10 useful tips you can follow.

        With many paraphrasing plagiarism examples and useful tools, you’ll learn how to paraphrase with ease. Let’s start with a basic paraphrasing plagiarism definition for beginners! 

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        What is paraphrasing plagiarism?

        Paraphrasing plagiarism is when you do not give credit to the original source and the author after using their ideas. It occurs when you retain the original sentence structure, rearrange words, make minor changes, and don’t cite the original source. 

        One form of paraphrasing plagiarism is using synonyms while keeping the same overall structure and meaning as the original text. Additionally, failing to cite direct quotations and instead paraphrasing them without attribution is a form of plagiarism. 

        Patchwriting is another type of paraphrasing plagiarism. This involves copying pieces of text from multiple sources, paraphrasing them, and combining them without properly citing the original sources. It’s important to remember that even if you use multiple sources, you still need to give credit to each one. 

        Ideas or content from lectures, presentations, or other spoken sources must also be attributed to avoid paraphrasing plagiarism. Furthermore, copying someone’s social media post (from Facebook, Instagram, etc.) and rephrasing it without mentioning the original source is considered paraphrasing plagiarism. 

        Also, writing data, statistics, or research findings in your own words without citing the original source is considered paraphrasing plagiarism. Hence, it’s crucial to cite the source in the required style guide to prevent paraphrasing plagiarism. 

        Now let’s see some paraphrasing examples and the correct way to paraphrase! 

        Paraphrasing plagiarism examples

        Browse through the following examples of a paraphrased quote and text from a scientific study! These examples show how changing the entire sentence structure is important for paraphrasing. 

        Example 1 (Quote) 

            • Original sentence: “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” 
            • Original source: Steve Jobs 
            • Incorrect sentence (Paraphrasing plagiarism): To achieve greatness in your work, you must have passion for it. 
            • Why it’s wrong: This simply replaces a few words while maintaining the original sentence structure. Also, the original source isn’t mentioned. 
            • Correct: Steve Jobs believed that finding joy in your work is essential for achieving significant accomplishments. 

        Example 2 (Scientific study) 

              • Original sentence: “Our research indicates that rising global temperatures are significantly altering the timing and routes of bird migrations, with potential consequences for ecosystem stability.” 
              • Original source: Smith, J. (2023). The impact of climate change on bird migration patterns. Journal of Environmental Science, 45(2), 120-135.
              • Incorrect sentence (Paraphrasing plagiarism): Smith (2023) found that climate change is causing major changes in how and when birds migrate, which could have serious impacts on ecosystems.
              • Why is it wrong: This is too close to the original wording and sentence structure. It simply replaces a few words while maintaining the original meaning. Also, the original source is not mentioned. 
              • Correct: Global warming is substantially changing bird migration patterns and timing, potentially threatening ecosystem balance, according to research (Smith, 2023, p. 15).

        Paraphrasing plagiarism occurs when writers do the following: 

              • Translating content from another language, making minimal changes, and presenting it as one’s own work
              • Making minor changes to specific examples, case studies, or illustrations from the original work without mentioning the original source
              • When pieces of paraphrased text from multiple sources are combined without crediting the original sources 
              • Using the same research findings, or even the structure of the original text and not crediting the main source
              • Utilizing a paraphrasing tool or software to automatically generate paraphrased content without crediting original sources
              • Using distinctive phrases or terminology from the original work without quotation marks and not mentioning the original source and author.
              • Adopting someone else’s interpretation or analysis without giving credit.
              • Presenting facts or statistics without acknowledging the source.

        To identify possible instances of paraphrasing plagiarism, you can use plagiarism detection software like Turnitin, iThenticate, Unicheck, and Compilatio. Now let’s understand how to prevent paraphrasing plagiarism. 

        How to avoid paraphrasing plagiarism (10 tips) 

        It’s essential to understand and write the text in your own words without copying and pasting the exact wording. Following is a list of 10 useful steps to help you achieve this! 

        1. Read and take notes

        When reading, jot down the main ideas in your own words. You can use apps like Google Docs, MS Word, and Editpad to do this. 

        2. Change the sentence structure 

        You can do this by changing the position of the subject, or object of the sentence. Then, you can rewrite the sentence using synonyms and phrases with similar meanings. Let’s see examples of all these methods! 

        Original sentence: The rapid expansion of technology has dramatically transformed the way people communicate and access information.

        Paraphrased sentence: The way people access information and communicate has undergone a dramatic transformation due to the swift growth of technologies. 

        In the above sentence, we can see how synonyms are used for paraphrasing. For example, “swift” instead of rapid, and “individuals” instead of people. 

        Note: It’s important to add your own perspective and ideas and make sure the sentences are grammatically correct while changing the sentence structure. 

        3. Combine or split sentences

        If the sentence is too long, you can split it. In contrast, if there are two short sentences about the same idea, you can combine them. Here are two quick examples. 

        John bought milk and bread when he went to the store. (Combined sentence) 

        I traveled to Paris. I saw the Eiffel Tower and visited my aunt staying in Paris. (Split sentences) 

        4. Use a different writing style

        This involves changing the writing style (making the sentence descriptive, persuasive, narrative, creative, or argumentative as per the context). For example: 

        Original: The data suggests that the treatment is effective.

        Paraphrased: The information gathered indicates that the intervention yields positive results.

        5. Use a different point of view

        There are three points of view: first person (using “I”), second person (using “you”), and third person (using names or pronouns like “he,” “she,” “it,” “they,” “them,” or descriptive language).

        Let us see some examples to understand this better! 

        Original sentence: I believe that education is the key to success. (First person’s point of view) 

        Paraphrased sentence: It is widely accepted that education plays a crucial role in achieving success. (Third person’s point of view using descriptive language). 

        6. Cite the source 

        You’ll need to cite the source as per the required style guide (APA, MLA, Chicago, or other). The citation must also include the year the source was published and the author’s name. Let’s see an example: 

        APA in-text citation: The study found that “the use of social media can have both positive and negative effects on mental health” (Smith & Johnson, 2019, p. 45).

        Reference entry: Smith, J. A., & Johnson, B. C. (2019). The impact of social media on mental health in adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Psychology, 34(2), 42-51.

        7. Paraphrase from memory

        After reading a passage about the benefits of exercise, set the original text aside and write the main points from memory.  

        Is paraphrasing considered plagiarism?

        No, paraphrasing is not considered plagiarism as long as the content doesn’t retain the same sentence structure and wording, and the original source is cited. 

        8. Change the order of ideas

        This can be done if the ideas are just listed and do not have any specific order of importance. The ideas mentioned at the beginning can be mentioned later in the sentence. Here is an example of this: 

        Original sentence: Climate change is causing rising sea levels, more frequent heatwaves, and increased instances of extreme weather events.

        Paraphrased sentence: The consequences of climate change are greater occurrences of intense weather, heat waves, and higher sea levels. 

        9. Use paraphrasing tools 

        You can use popular paraphrasing tools like QuillBot,, WordAI, SpinBot, and Jasper to paraphrase text. For readers wondering if paraphrasing is considered plagiarism, the answer is “No!.” If a different sentence structure and wording from that of the original source is used and the source is cited, it’s not considered plagiarism 

        Note: While using paraphrasing tools, ensure that the original meaning remains unchanged. Also, it is important to use contextually relevant words. 

        10. Use plagiarism checkers 

        You can use plagiarism checkers provided by Grammarly, SmallSEOTools, QuillBot, and Scribbr to identify any instances of paraphrasing plagiarism, Duplichecker can be also used for this purpose. However, these tools might not be 100% accurate and it’s important to get a second opinion from experts. 

        We hope this article answered questions like what is paraphrasing plagiarism and is paraphrasing considered plagiarism. Now, you can take the necessary steps to prevent paraphrasing plagiarism. 

        We realize that this can be a time-consuming process for you. To save time and ensure that the document isn’t plagiarized, we offer plagiarism detection services along with editing and proofreading services

        Reach out to us for high-quality services by trained professionals! 

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        Rishi Linkedin

        Rishi was a zealous student at IIT Bombay when he realized, firsthand, the power of good language in effective communication. As part of this belief, after a brief stint in a hedge fund, he co-founded PaperTrue in 2014.

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