toc dissertation

The Table of Contents Page of a Dissertation

  • calenderAug 03, 2021
  • calender5 min read

The table of contents is an organized listing of your dissertation’s chapters, sections, and figures which are clearly labeled by page number.

acknowledgments page section dissertation

The Acknowledgments Section of a Dissertation

  • calenderJun 15, 2021
  • calender5 min read

No dissertation can be completed solely by one person. Surely, you’ve had help along the way; whether it’s through moral support or people advising you on the actual thesis itself. The acknowledgments section is where you thank all these people for supporting you from day one, both in the research and writing process.

How to Carry Out Secondary Research

  • calenderDec 15, 2020
  • calender5 min read

Secondary research is a method that involves using existing research material. Also known as desk research, it primarily involves reexamining already published research material to derive new interpretations of a particular topic. 

citation style, referencing

Citing References: APA, MLA, and Chicago

  • calenderDec 09, 2020
  • calender5 min read

Read about citing references in APA, MLA, and Chicago styles and make your academic writing process easier!

dissertation proposal

Writing a Dissertation Proposal

  • calenderSep 10, 2020
  • calender5 min read

Working on a dissertation can be daunting. But once you’re proposal is sorted, the rest of the dissertation journey sails smoothly! Click here to read more.

how to edit and proofread references.

Editing and Proofreading Academic Papers: A Short Guide

  • calenderAug 18, 2020
  • calender5 min read

Whether it’s Chicago, MLA or APA you are trying to wrap your head around, working on the reference section is a task that can baffle the best of us. But don’t worry, because we’re here to help you out with exactly that. How can a student effectively edit and proofread the reference section of a paper? Let’s find out. 

rejection, journal, rejected, paper

How to Handle Journal Rejection: Essential Tips

  • calenderAug 06, 2020
  • calender5 min read

What do you do when the journal you submitted your article to rejected it? Read on here.

types of peer reviews

What are the different types of peer review?

  • calenderAug 04, 2020
  • calender5 min read

What are the different types of peer review? Read this article to find out.

paper editing

Difference Between Paper Editing and Peer Review

  • calenderJun 25, 2020
  • calender5 min read

What is the difference between a peer-review and paper editing? Find out here.

How to Copyright Your Book?

If you’ve thought about copyrighting your book, you’re on the right path.

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