acknowledgments page section dissertation

The Acknowledgments Section of a Dissertation

  • calenderJun 15, 2021
  • calender5 min read

No dissertation can be completed solely by one person. Surely, you’ve had help along the way; whether it’s through moral support or people advising you on the actual thesis itself. The acknowledgments section is where you thank all these people for supporting you from day one, both in the research and writing process.

Why You Should Consider Turning Your Book into an Audiobook

  • calenderApr 30, 2021
  • calender5 min read

Audiobooks are the new kid on the block. Similar to how eBooks challenged traditional publishing, audio publishing is now challenging eBooks.

News Update: We Hosted Our First Webinar!

  • calenderDec 17, 2020
  • calender5 min read

Titled “What are Indian publishers looking for?”, we chatted with two wonderful writers who shed light on the Indian publishing scene. Click here to read more about our first webinar!

B2B content and readabillity

Writing Content to Achieve a Higher Readability

  • calenderSep 17, 2020
  • calender5 min read

If your domain is niche and producing appealing content is hard, paying attention to how you write and organize content is the most reliable game changer. 

dissertation proposal

Writing a Dissertation Proposal

  • calenderSep 10, 2020
  • calender5 min read

Working on a dissertation can be daunting. But once you’re proposal is sorted, the rest of the dissertation journey sails smoothly! Click here to read more.

Industry Insights: Proofreading Tips for A Business

  • calenderJun 05, 2020
  • calender5 min read

Writing is a crucial part of professional life, regardless of your field. Which is why it’s is important your business have a proofreading protocol.

Why Content Marketers Need a Professional Editor

  • calenderJun 03, 2020
  • calender5 min read

There is a lot of creative liberty involved in content creation. Still, to get the technical and grammatical details rights, an editor can be of great help.
How can an editor benefit the overall content creation of an organization? Let’s find out.

successful pitch

Writing A Successful Pitch: Convey Ideas Better

  • calenderJan 05, 2018
  • calender5 min read

Create a successful pitch and learn what goes into the making of it.

How to Copyright Your Book?

If you’ve thought about copyrighting your book, you’re on the right path.

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