What ESL students can learn from ESL writers

  • calenderMay 03, 2022
  • calender5 min read

Exophony is the practice of writing (normally creative) in a language that is not one’s mother tongue. Exophonic writers or ESL writers thoroughly grasp another language because of various reasons.

A writer stands at a crossroad, wondering about the self-publishing options in front of them while logos of the best self-publishing companies like Amazon KDP, Smashwords, and PaperTrue hover around them.

Self-Publishing Options for Writers

  • calenderMay 02, 2022
  • calender7 min read

What are the best self-publishing companies for your editing needs? Which publishing platforms will help you reach wider markets, and which choices will favor your budget?

results section dissertation

The Results Section of a Dissertation

  • calenderApr 26, 2022
  • calender5 min read

The results section of a dissertation is where you document the findings of your research. Read on to know how to write one.

How to Research a Novel

Research for Fiction Writers: A Complete Guide

  • calenderApr 22, 2022
  • calender6 min read

Early research is one of the most crucial stages of fiction writing. Without it, your book will be as dull as a grey Sunday. Read on to know more.

Four book editors work on a manuscript. How will you hire them?

How to Hire a Book Editor in 5 Practical Steps

  • calenderApr 04, 2022
  • calender6 min read

Do you need to hire a book editor? When should you look for one? Where can you find the best book editing services, and are they worth the expense? Let’s answer these questions one by one.

how to self-edit a dissertation

Tips to Self-Edit Your Dissertation

  • calenderApr 04, 2022
  • calender5 min read

Is it possible to edit your dissertation yourself? Certainly, under the right circumstances and with the right practices. Click here to read more.

A writer stares ahead at a path that branches out into three paths, each bearing the name plot. The writer is wondering how to write a powerful plot.

How to Write a Powerful Plot in 12 Steps

  • calenderJan 02, 2022
  • calender8 min read

Writing a book does not sustain only on a story. You have to write a plot to structure your story to make it more effective. Find all that you need to know about the plot and how to write one, here.

The Introduction Chapter of a Dissertation

  • calenderAug 05, 2021
  • calender5 min read

The introduction chapter acquaints a reader or evaluator with the contents, main argument(s), and scope of a dissertation.

acknowledgments page section dissertation

The Acknowledgments Section of a Dissertation

  • calenderJun 15, 2021
  • calender5 min read

No dissertation can be completed solely by one person. Surely, you’ve had help along the way; whether it’s through moral support or people advising you on the actual thesis itself. The acknowledgments section is where you thank all these people for supporting you from day one, both in the research and writing process.

How to Copyright Your Book?

If you’ve thought about copyrighting your book, you’re on the right path.

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