A student formats her APA reference page with a hanging indent for each entry.

Formatting an APA Reference Page | Template & Examples

  • calenderSep 13, 2023
  • calender4 min read

Learn how to format an APA reference page with the help of formatting guidelines for an APA 7 reference page, APA reference page examples, and templates.

Three speakers represent the difference between their, there, and they’re: One points, another shows ownership, and the third thinks of a group of people.

Their vs. There vs. They’re: Meaning and Differences

  • calenderSep 12, 2023
  • calender4 min read

“There” and “their” are homophones: They sound alike but have different spellings and meanings. In this guide, you’ll learn the correct use of there vs. their with the help of charts and examples.

A student highlights all APA headings and subheadings in her paper.

APA Headings & Subheadings | Formatting Guidelines & Examples

  • calenderSep 07, 2023
  • calender4 min read

Confused about formatting your research paper? This article is for you! We will provide in-depth information about APA headings, their levels, and how to structure each of them with examples.

A hero fights a giant dragon with the words crisis, adventure, and resolution written on a volcanic landscape. This represents the hero's journey in a novel or a story.

Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey: Worksheet & Examples

  • calenderSep 06, 2023
  • calender8 min read

Are there 17 steps in the hero’s journey, or 12, or 8? Let’s visit Joseph Campbell’s Monomyth, study some examples of the heroic quest, and find out how you can write memorable heroes.

Two speakers discuss when to use “toward” or “towards”: American English uses “toward” while British English uses “towards”.

Toward or Towards | Difference, Uses & Origins

  • calenderSep 06, 2023
  • calender2 min read

Should you use “towards” or “toward”? What’s the difference between the two and is one option better than the other? We will resolve all these questions and many more in this quick guide.

An open book, from which a picturesque scene of deer and rabbits emerges. Learn how to write a children’s book with our help!

How to Write a Children’s Book: An Easy Step-by-Step Guide

  • calenderSep 05, 2023
  • calender5 min read

Writing a children’s book is an exciting proposition but involves a systematic process. In this step-by-step guide, we will explore the essential elements that can help you write a successful children’s book and capture the imagination of your young readers.

Two speakers discuss how to use then vs. than: The former shows time while the latter shows comparison.

Then vs. Than: How to Use Each in a Sentence

  • calenderSep 05, 2023
  • calender5 min read

“Then” vs. “than” are two homophones that are often mixed up with each other. If you want to learn how these words are used, what they stand for as well as the difference between “then” and “than”.

A giant open book with several stock characters floating above.

What Is a Stock Character? 150 Examples from 5 Genres

  • calenderAug 22, 2023
  • calender8 min read

Stock characters have a long and prosperous history in literature and media. What does the term mean? We’ve answered this question with 150 stock character examples from 5 major genres!

Students discuss the correct usage of who vs. whom in spoken as well as written English.

Who vs. Whom: When to Use Which [& Why It’s Important]

  • calenderAug 21, 2023
  • calender4 min read

The words who and whom are some of the most misused words in English. However, the correct use of who and whom is crucial in formal writing. Learn how to correctly use these two words!

How to Copyright Your Book?

If you’ve thought about copyrighting your book, you’re on the right path.

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