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        What Is a Conjunction? Definition, Types & Examples

        • calenderMay 03, 2024
        • calender 6 min read

        Want to create better sentences and express yourself using conjunctions? Explore our practical guide and learn everything about using conjunctions! We’ll define conjunctions, and types and explain everything with examples. 

        We’ve also added commonly used conjunctions and given practical tips for using conjunctions. So without wasting time, let’s begin! 

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        What are conjunctions? 

        Conjunctions are words that create a logical connection between two or more sentences, words, phrases, or clauses. It’s one of the parts of speech that help to form complex sentences and ensure better content flow. 

        To understand the conjunction definition, here are some examples: 

        I bought a gift and couriered it to my brother. 

        She told me the truth because she had no other option. 

        They didn’t know how to cook, but they tried their best. 

        For readers wondering about: Is “and” a conjunction? Is “but” a conjunction? The answer is yes! The words “and” and “but” are used to link sentences and clauses together. 

        Now, let us see the types of conjunctions in detail. 

        Types of conjunctions 

        1. What is a coordinating conjunction? 

        Words that link two or more sentences or independent clauses that are equally important are known as coordinating conjunctions. Some examples of coordinating conjunctions are and, but, or, nor, for, yet, and so

        Here are some coordinating conjunction examples: 

        Amy went to the market, and she came home in the evening. 

        He wanted to go to Paris but he couldn’t go due to an emergency. 

        You can have an apple or you can have an orange. 

        Ms. Jenny tried her best yet she could not convince him. 

        We must hurry, for the store closes in an hour.

        They didn’t know and nor did I have any knowledge about it. 

        Your meeting went on for a long time and so we had to reschedule our lunch plans.

        Note: The independent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb and makes sense as a complete sentence. For example: In the first sentence, “Amy went to the market” and “she came home in the evening” are two independent clauses joined by the word “and”. 

        2. What is a subordinating conjunction? 

        Subordinate conjunctions connect dependent and independent clauses and show a cause-effect relation in a sentence. 

        Examples of subordinating conjunctions are: after, although, as, because, before, evenif, even though, once, in order that, provided that, once, since, so that, than, that, though, till, unless, until, when, whenever, where, whereas, wherever, while, will, as if, as long as, as though, in as much as, in case, lest, now that, rather than, since, so, supposing whether, whichever, whoever, by the time, in the event that, only, only if, whether or not 

        Browse through the following subordinating conjunction examples to understand better! 

        He would help me if I gave him something in return. 

        They came as soon as they heard the news. 

        Since I was on leave, I ignored the message. 

        By the time I reached the station, everyone was gone. 

        She didn’t want to leave unless he went with her. 

        Even though he was younger, he had more knowledge. 

        Even if they didn’t return, I knew they would never forget me. 

        3. What is a correlative conjunction? 

        The words used in pairs to join two parts of a sentence are known as correlative conjunctions. Some correlative conjunction examples are: either..or, neither..nor, not only…but also, whether..or, no sooner…than, rather…than, scarcely…when, such…that, hardly…when, both…and, just…so. 

        Here are some examples of conjunctions used in sentences: 

        Neither she nor her sister participated in the competition. 

        No sooner did Jack finish his homework than his friend called him. 

        Either Ray or Brandon had played this clever prank. 

        He not only won the race but also set a new record. 

        Scarcely had she come from school when her mother called her for an important task. 

        The weather was such that we decided to postpone our meeting. 

        Hardly had the guests arrived when the power went out. 

        After understanding what is a conjunction and its types, let’s quickly understand some rules while using conjunctions. These rules will help you to effectively combine sentences with other nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs

        Essential rules while using conjunctions

        1. Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction while joining two independent clauses. For example: 

        He visited the museum, and he saw ancient artifacts. 

        2. Don’t use commas when the second clause is a dependent clause or a short phrase. For example: 

        They came home and partied hard.  

        3. You can start a sentence with a subordinating conjunction like “when”, “if”, and “although” as long as it is followed by a complete clause. For example: 

        When I saw Jack, I remembered a shocking incident. 

        4. Ensure that the subject and the verb in the sentence are the same in number (both are either singular or plural) while using conjunctions. This reduces the scope of grammar errors

        For example: 

        They are very happy because their son graduated and topped in economics. 

        In this sentence, the pronoun “they’ and the verb “are” are both plural. 

        5. If you’re using many subordinate clauses while using conjunctions, separate the clauses using proper punctuation for clarity. 

        For example: 

        The project was challenging, but she persevered, eventually succeeding in getting the desired results. 

        In this sentence, commas are used to separate the clauses. 

        6. Avoid using too many conjunctions in the same sentence as it can make the sentence complex. 

        Now that you know what is a conjunction, you can use them to create meaningful sentences. You can bookmark this article and revisit it to read the conjunction definition and types. To enhance your understanding, you can also make a list of conjunctions and categorize them into types. You can use this conjunctions list for reference while writing. 

        Once you finish writing, you need to edit and proofread your text to rectify any errors. As experts in editing and proofreading services, we’d love to help you ensure a high-quality document! 

        Here are some useful resources for you: 

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        Priya Linkedin

        Priya has a talent for academic research and enjoys simplifying complex topics. When she's not helping students improve their writing, she can be seen reading poetry, playing the harmonium, or learning classical dance.

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