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        Literary Analysis Essay: 5 Steps to a Perfect Assignment

        • calenderAug 10, 2023
        • calender 7 min read

        You need to interpret a piece of writing for a literary analysis essay. With the deadline quickly approaching, you don’t know where to begin! That’s exactly why we’ve explained how to write such an essay and provided multiple literary analysis essay examples.

        Here’s a simple literary analysis essay definition: A personal interpretation of a piece of writing. It’s not just a summary or an explanation of a piece of writing but an argumentative take that highlights your take on a particular poem or story. This is evidenced by the support of quoted sections from the original piece. 

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        Here are the steps to write a literary analysis essay in detail:

        1. Read and analyze the text

        In order to understand how to start a literary analysis essay, you need to realize the importance of strong research. Before you begin writing your essay, make sure to thoroughly go through your text and take detailed notes. Observe and note the words used by the author, the structure and tone of the piece, the point of view, and so on.

        The goal here is to build textual connections within and outside the text. Ask yourself the following questions:

        • Are there logical connections to be derived from the structure, theme, or words used?
        • Does the piece make any allusions to other works?
        • Is this piece similar or different from the author’s other writings?
        • Are there any thematic similarities between this work and others in the same time period?
        • What have critics said about this text? Can it be useful for my argument?

        Let’s take a deeper look at how to analyze a literary text: 

        A. Use of structure

        While writing an essay, studying the structure of a text is an indispensable part of literary analysis. Authors and poets divide their texts into chapters, scenes, or stanzas, which may be deliberate and intentional. Pay close attention to the organization of the text to obtain clues into the author’s intention or to create your own arguments about it.

        When analyzing novels or short stories, focus on the following details:

        • What is the mechanism for the organization of chapters or sections?
        • Does the story begin at the beginning or middle of the action?
        • Is time in the text linear, cyclical, or fluid? What effect does this have on your perception of characters, story events, and the climax?
        • What role does the climax play in the narrative?

        When analyzing poems, ask the following questions:

        • Is there a logic behind the organization of stanzas or verses in the poem?
        • Does the poem follow a set meter and rhyme scheme?
        • How does rhythm in the poem influence its tone and meaning?

        A play is the most structured genre of writing. When analyzing, focus on the following aspects:

        • What effect does the arrangement of acts and scenes have on the audience?
        • How is dramatic irony used in the play?
        • What methods does the playwright employ to bring about the plot twist, if one exists?
        • Are there any red herrings that are explained later on in the play?
        • Does the playwright make use of foreshadowing in their play?

        B. Use of narrative voice

        One of the most important aspects of a piece of writing is the point of view from which it is written. While going through your text you need to observe who “speaks” and the manner in which they do. 

        Is the narrator removed from the text or are they part of it? Are they narrating the events faithfully or distorting it according to their perspective? Does the main character of the story or poem break the fourth wall by directly addressing the reader?

        Often, writers make use of distorted points of view recounted by an unreliable narrator. One such example is The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe. In his short story, Poe delves into the mind of a highly disturbed individual who is fixated on an old man’s “vulture eye”. This distorted perspective can suggest a variety of literary analysis essay topics.

        C. Use of language

        While going through the text, focus on the language and tone used by the author. Try to answer the following questions as you analyze the writing:

        • Are the sentences used simple or verbose? 
        • What is the tone of the piece? 
        • How has figurative language been used in the text, if at all?
        • What do the sensory descriptors and imagery signify?
        • Is there any paradoxical or peculiar use of words?

        After making notes on the language structure, you can move on to the broader aspects of the piece such as the narrative voice.

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        2. Construct a strong thesis statement

        A thesis statement for a literary analysis essay is the main point or argument made based on the analysis of a particular text. It is the base that gives your essay direction and keeps it from being an arbitrary assembly of events or a mere summary. 

        While deciding upon your thesis statement, it is a good idea to pick an argument that can be proven or disproven with the help of the information provided in the text.

        Make sure that your thesis statement is a well-rounded argument and not simply a yes or no answer. Here are some examples of well-written and poorly-written thesis statements:

        Romeo and Juliet is a literary classic that is based on the themes of love and betrayal.

        The themes of love and betrayal are blatantly portrayed in Romeo and Juliet. Your thesis statement should be a nuanced and, at times, debatable take on the text under scrutiny.

        Here’s a better example:

        The nurse’s actions and decisions in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet significantly contribute to the tragic deaths of the titular characters.

        The following thesis statement examines the role of Juliet’s nurse and confidante. It discusses how the careless actions of the nurse resulted in the tragic death of the main characters.

        Let’s consider one more thesis statement:

        Edgar Allan Poe makes use of symbolism and repetition to enhance his poem The Raven.

        Although the thesis statement describes important literary devices used in Poe’s poem, it does not include any argument that can be elaborated on or debated.

        Here’s a more well-rounded example: 

        In Edgar Allan Poe’s poem The Raven, the repetition of the word “nevermore” serves as a haunting and symbolic refrain, representing the protagonist’s descent into despair.

        The following thesis statement example focuses on the significance of the word “nevermore” in The Raven. Although the thesis statement also revolves around literary devices, the significance behind “nevermore” is interpreted with a specific approach. This creates an argument that can be elaborated on or contradicted. 

        3. Write well-organized body paragraphs

        A literary analysis essay generally consists of three body paragraphs, along with an introduction and conclusion. However, the number of body paragraphs present varies from one essay to another. Understand the structure of a MEAL paragraph to write effective body paragraphs.

        Each body paragraph begins with a topic sentence. This sentence details the aspect on which your body paragraph is based. Make sure that each body paragraph discusses only one aspect of your literary analysis essay.

        Each topic sentence should be evidenced with the help of information present in the piece of writing. This information can be in the form of direct quotes, summaries, as well as paraphrases. It is important to ensure that these pieces of information are focused and relevant to the point you’re trying to make.

        Each body paragraph is concluded with a transition that links to the next topic sentence. Here’s an example of an effective body paragraph:

        1. Topic sentence
        2. Evidence presented
        3. Transition sentence

        The raven’s perch upon the bust of Pallas, the goddess of wisdom, enhances the symbolic significance of the word “nevermore.” In stanza 14, the speaker describes the raven’s positioning, stating, “Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door.” This juxtaposition of the raven, a symbol of death and darkness, with the statue of wisdom, reinforces the irony and futility of the protagonist’s quest for answers. The symbol of the raven, paired with the recurring utterance of “nevermore,” serves as a constant reminder of the protagonist’s entrapment within his grief. The gloomy atmospheric setting along with a constant sense of despair heightens the overall feeling of hopelessness which contributes to the tragic mood of The Raven.

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        4. End with a powerful conclusion

        Like all essay types, the conclusion of a literary essay analysis shouldn’t introduce any new arguments. Rather, this space should be used to emphasize the significance of your argument. This can be done by summarizing all the key aspects of your essay and linking them back to your main argument. 

        It’s a good idea to conclude your essay with the help of a powerful statement that creates an impression. This can include a quote by the author of the piece you’re analyzing or your own interpretation of the subject matter.

        Here’s an example of a well-rounded conclusion:

        1. Updated thesis statement
        2. Summary of main points of the essay
        3. Concluding statement

        As we can see, the repeated use of the word “nevermore” serves as a powerful symbol that encapsulates the protagonist’s descent into despair and his futile struggle to find solace or meaning in the face of loss. Through the relentless repetition of this word, Poe creates a sense of finality and negation that magnifies the protagonist’s torment, leaving him trapped in a cycle of despair. The raven, perched upon the bust of Pallas, further intensifies the symbolism, as it becomes an embodiment of the protagonist’s own tortured thoughts and emotions, denying him the wisdom and solace he yearns for. The poem’s dark and atmospheric setting adds to the overall mood, enhancing the emotional impact of the narrative. Together, these elements converge to create a chilling exploration of the fragility of the human psyche in the face of irrevocable loss.

        Having written the body paragraphs and conclusion, you can construct an attractive title and introduction based on the content of the rest of your essay.

        5. Write an impactful introduction

        The introduction of your essay provides a quick overview of the direction it’ll follow. It may include a general theme present in your chosen piece of literature or your take on a particular aspect of the text. 

        Make sure to cite the name of the text in question along with the writer of the piece in your essay introduction. This will provide the readers with the necessary context for your essay. Your introduction can also include a commonly held interpretation of a piece of writing by the general public. This belief can either be substantiated or disproven by evidence present in the text.

        Your introduction provides a synthesis of the main argument you’d like to present in your essay, also known as the thesis statement. You could also end with a brief overview of your essay by signposting the main topics you’d like to discuss in your essay.

        Here’s an example of an ideal essay introduction:

        1. Opening sentence
        2. Background information
        3. Thesis statement

        Edgar Allan Poe’s iconic poem, The Rave, is a masterpiece of gothic literature that delves into the depths of human emotions and the haunting presence of loss. Within this enigmatic work, Poe employs the repetition of a single word, “nevermore,” as a haunting and symbolic refrain. In this essay, we will explore how the repetitive use of “nevermore” serves as a profound symbol, representing the protagonist’s descent into despair and his futile struggle to find solace or meaning in the face of overwhelming loss.

        6. Come up with a good title

        The first thing that attracts the reader to your work is an attractive title. An effective title should be succinct and to the point, yet intriguing. An effective essay title consists of the name of the text you’re examining accompanied by the aspect you’ve analyzed.

        Using the name of the text concerned without any alteration is simply not sufficient. You also have to put your own spin on it. The idea is to provide the gist of your essay in a single sentence. There are several ways in which you can do this. 

        Here are a few examples of effective literary essay titles:

        • The dual nature of sin and redemption as portrayed in The Scarlet Letter
        • The significance of “nevermore” in The Raven
        • A warning against totalitarianism and surveillance presented in 1984
        • The Great Gatsby: The illusion of the American dream
        • Moby-Dick: Exploring the themes of obsession and fate
        • The complexities of revenge and madness explored in Shakespeare’s Hamlet
        • The Catcher in the Rye: A search for authenticity
        • Frankenstein: The dangers of ambition and scientific progress
        • Examining the link between social injustice and human resilience in The Grapes of Wrath
        • Pride and Prejudice: Unveiling the social constructs of marriage

        Literary analysis essay example

        The following literary analysis essay example examines the role of Captain Arthur Hastings as an unreliable narrator in Agatha Christie’s last novel, Curtains. It explores how the personal biases of Hastings add a sense of mystery to the novel.

        Examining Hastings’ Perspective in Agatha Christie’s Curtains

        Agatha Christie’s novel Curtains presents readers with a captivating murder mystery, skillfully crafted to keep them guessing until the very end. The role of Captain Arthur Hastings, both a close friend and narrator of the story, is crucial in shaping the readers’ understanding of events. However, an analysis of Hastings’ character reveals that he is an unreliable narrator, prone to biases and limited perceptions. This essay explores the reasons behind Hastings’ unreliability and its impact on the reader’s interpretation of the narrative.

        Hastings’ unreliability stems from his inherent subjectivity and personal biases. As an involved character in the story, he possesses preconceived notions about the suspects, events, and motives. This subjectivity can cloud his judgment and influence the information he chooses to reveal or withhold from the readers. His personal biases can lead to misinterpretations, creating a skewed version of events that may misdirect readers in their pursuit of the truth.

        Another factor contributing to Hastings’ unreliability is his limited observations and perceptions. As a narrator, he can only provide insights into what he personally witnesses or is directly told by others. Consequently, his knowledge is restricted to the information available to him at any given moment. Hastings may overlook crucial details, misinterpret clues, or fail to grasp the significance of certain actions due to his limited perspective. This limitation can result in gaps or inaccuracies in the narrative, causing readers to form incomplete or incorrect conclusions.

        Hastings’ emotional involvement and personal relationships further contribute to his unreliability. His close friendship with Hercule Poirot, for example, may lead him to downplay or overlook Poirot’s mistakes or biases. Additionally, Hastings’ emotional state throughout the investigation, whether it be fear, confusion, or loyalty, can impact his ability to objectively interpret events. Emotions can cloud his judgment and affect his narrative, potentially leading readers astray in their own deductions.

        Agatha Christie’s choice to present Captain Hastings as an unreliable narrator adds an element of uncertainty and intrigue to the story. His subjectivity, limited observations, and emotional influences all contribute to his unreliability, shaping the readers’ understanding and interpretation of events. By questioning his version of the truth and scrutinizing his biases and perceptions, readers are encouraged to actively engage in the process of solving the mystery alongside the characters. The unreliability of his narration serves as a reminder that in the world of detective fiction, unraveling the truth requires careful consideration and a discerning eye.

        Alongside offering expert essay editing services, it’s our duty to ensure that you have all the tools to improve your writing skills. Here are some resources you may find helpful:

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        With a foundation in Life Sciences, Tanvi enjoys curating technical writing tips tailored for ESL students. When she's not translating complex concepts into bite-sized nuggets, she can be found playing with dogs or painting landscapes.

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